
Sauerkraut and Laundry

So yesterday was the type of Texas day that I love. Mid-February, 70 degrees and wind blowing like crazy. I love the wind here, it never blew like it does here when I lived in the Midwest unless it was storming. Sunday was our crazy cleaning day. We went to not just one, but two concerts this weekend, and so Sunday was our back to reality day. I spent a lot of it doing laundry, which I actually love. Not so much the washing part, but the drying part. There is something about hanging your clothes on a line in the wind that is immensely satisfying. And the line dried smell is *wonderful*, breezy peppered with a dash of campfire.

Then early in the morning we got some much needed rain. I woke to the sound and wished I could just curl up in bed all day.

When I got home from work, we had to run to the store for soap, and I took it as an opportunity to buy some supplies and try a recipe I have been thinking about for a while. I love reading "Making Love In The Kitchen", not only because Meghan is adorable, but because I've learned some cool stuff from her blogs and videos. Her ketchup and blueberry jam recipes are on my list to try, but since cabbage is in season I decided to try her sauerkraut tonight. The recipe was relatively simple, and I totally enjoyed massaging my cabbage to get the juices flowing. It's now sitting on my fridge waiting for the three days to pass so that I can eat it. Here are some pictures (sorry for the terribly quality, my camera is still broken so currently I'm using Brian's cell phone for picture taking):

Mmmmm! Can't wait. It was good when I was eating it off my hands after all the massaging, so it should be amazing in a few days time. If you're looking for a fun and easy recipe to try, this one fits the bill, and right now in Texas it's in season too!

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