
Baby Quilt for Arthur Trucks

Between our visit to Brian's parents over New Years, and coming back to work and more wedding prep, I've been a tad bit busy lately. Brian is working on his thesis and applying to PhD programs, and I've been trying to pick up the slack around our place. I have been enjoying the wonderful Le Creuset set my Mom got us for Christmas, and I'll have to post about what yummy things we've been doing with those. I've also been trying to make vegan yogurt with the yogurt maker Brian gave me for Christmas. I haven't gotten the recipe perfect's very challenging to get soy or rice yogurt to the same consistency as milk yogurt. But I think I'm close.

My trusty old digital camera, that made it through years and years of backpacking trips and accidental falls from the kitchen counter finally clicked it's last picture right before Christmas, so Brian and I have been using his old non-digital camera for the last month. It makes turn around a little slower, so you'll have to forgive me for that. But I did want to post a picture of the baby blanket I made for Aaron and Maggie's son Arthur Trucks. It turned out much better than I ever imagined, and I'm very proud.

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