
Harvest Time

This is what we had left after eating out of the garden for three months:

two bowls of lettuce, a bowl of broccoli, a basket of chard and a basket of kale

Chard is my husband's favorite vegetable.  When he saw this pile he said it was "a dream come true".

So needless to say, we're eating a lot of greens this week.  Last night I sauteed a shallot and some chard in white balsamic vinegar (my favorite).  Tomorrow I'm going to try this recipe, only with chard and onion.  I'm also going to make this recipe, which my friend Lisa (of Sippel Family Farm) recommended to me.  And that's just the chard!  I've lost my recipe for sweet potato and kale soup, but if I can find it, that and kale chips are where the kale will go.  The broccoli will be eaten with hummus, and the lettuce will be used in salads. 

After we were done with our harvest, my husband and I sat down and planned out what we're going to plant next, and then today, list in hand, we visited Austin's Natural Gardener.  It was too early for pepper plants, but we were able to get tomato plants and lots of seeds.  My only request was that we plant so much basil I get sick of it (impossible!).  We came home with 3 types of basil, 6 different types of lettuce, spinach, squash and zucchini, two types of beans, and 4 heirloom tomato plants.

*Edit: I found the sweet potato and kale soup recipe I love!  The only thing I change is I use homemade veggie stock.*

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