
Frustrations with Food

I've been feeling disconnected and frustrated with the people around me lately.  Brian and I have been very dedicated in our workouts and eating habits in the hopes that someday soon we might be moving near some mountains.  We've also discovered the most awesome restaurant in Texas, Casa De Luz.  They are a vegan, macrobiotic restaurant, and their food is amazing.  We've taken to going once a week.  They also introduced me to my new favorite obsession, twig tea.  I love tea, but am sensitive to caffeine and so have to be careful about what I consume.  I'm so sensitive that even a cup of green tea around eleven in the morning will affect my sleep at ten or eleven that night.  Sadly, that means no green tea for me, and I've been bummed about missing out on its healthy benefits.  But enter twig tea, made from actual twigs of the tea plant and containing no caffeine.  It has a slightly nutty flavor, and many of the same health benefits of green tea.

So while we are doing so much for our health, it upsets me to watch people around me who are so disconnected from themselves and what they eat.  I know several people who have had to have major stomach surgery lately, but then afterward go off and do things like consume fast food.  One person literally said she stopped on the way home from her surgery.  Now, I believe everyone has the right to do what he or she wants with his or her own body.  But it hurts me to see people doing such harmful things and not even realize it.  You're carrying around a colostomy bag, and you're not even going to try to eat better?  I have another friend who is allergic to wheat, and her undiagnosed allergy was even a factor in her cancer (which is back), yet I see her eating sandwiches and animal crackers.  What has happened in the last 50 years that had caused us to become so disconnected from our food and our bodies?  I remember as a child, my grandmother had all kinds of home remedies that she used, weird things she wanted us to eat to fix this or that health problems.  Food used to be our medicine, our fuel, what brought us together with friends and family.  Now it's become the enemy, something that harms us, something we have to fight against. 



Anonymous said...

I know - it's amazing what we do to ourselves. I'm guilty of this, and it's worse because I'm aware of how much damage I'm causing.

I think 90% of it is stress-related - and certain foods seem to ease our stress, if only momentarily. In the past I've been known to huddle in my car with fries and a hamburger, trying to get past a terrible morning at work.

Garden looks good! We're getting ready for spring planting. It's fun to decide what we're going to plant. Definitely expanding the garden this year too.

Lauren said...

Dude try the twig tea. It helps me keep it together. Poor Brian can tell if I haven't had my tea for the day yet.

Meghan (Making Love In The Kitchen) said...

I've learned that all we can do is lead by example. We have no control over other people's paths and journeys and as I think you've expressed- putting ourselves into other people's business only causes our own suffering. Live the way you live, and they will ask when they're ready to learn and open to receive.

Lauren said...

It's just frustrating that doctors are so quick to operate, and so slow to look at what people are eating as a cause! And that we are so brain washed that we think eating terrible food isn't going to effect us in some way.