
Thanksgiving Confessions

For two people (my husband and I) who love to cook, we made an odd decision this year involving Thanksgiving. This year we decided not to cook. We made this decision for several reasons, but our main two were that my husband has to work Thanksgiving night, and that you could order a vegan Thanksgiving meal from our co-op, Wheatsville. It's currently looking like we won't be in Texas next Thanksgiving, so we wanted to take this's not often that you can get a totally vegan meal cooked by someone else!

We're spending Thursday in Austin, but then Friday heading out to the the family farm for my husband's birthday. Since everyone out there is a proud meat-eater who refuses to touch anything even remotely vegetarian, we'll both have plenty of chances to cook for ourselves out there.

Our fall garden is growing strong, so I'll post some new pictures in a few days:)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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